District Conference: November 1 – 2, 2024
District Conference Wrap-Up
One-hundred-thirty-one people gathered at Pleasant Valley on Friday evening to worship at the beginning of this year’s District Conference. Moderator Carol Sheppard emphasized the conference theme, And Immediately They Left Their Nets, from Mark 1:16-20, with a focus on the word immediately. When preparing to answer the call of Jesus immediately, Schepperd recommended packing a bag for the journey, including memories, faith, hope and love.
Worship music was provided by The Soil and the Seed Project Executive Director Seth Thomas Crissman on piano and Nicole Barrows with vocals. An original chorus, “Jesus Calls Us,” was written by Crissman for the conference and the refrain was repeated throughout the weekend. Download the lyrics for “Jesus Calls Us” here.
The special offering on Friday evening benefitted The Farm Ministry, a local initiative that supports farmers by purchasing the products they produce from the donated funds. A total of $2,848 was received, which will provide 2,000 meals with premium beef for people living in areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.
Earlier in the day, Jeremy Ashworth from Circle of Peace Church in Peoria, Arizona, presented “Kingdom Opportunities Everywhere” at a continuing education class and spoke on the same theme at the Pastor Appreciation Dinner. His closing prayer was, “God give me eyes to see, and guts to seize, kingdom opportunities everywhere.” Twenty pastors with 50 years or more of service were recognized, including Emmert Bittinger with 80 years of ministry. Five pastors who died in the past year were also remembered: Grant Simmons, Clarence Moyers, Eugent Shaver, Kathleen Veal and Emerson Fike.
One-hundred-sixty-nine delegates, 15 nondelegates and 25 staff and others attended the business session on Saturday at Harrisonburg First Church. An offering for Shenandoah District ministries was received and totaled $2025.
District Conference Moderator Carol Scheppard brought the message with the help of three worship vignettes. The vignettes were created and performed by Jennifer Keany Scarr and Kyle Remnant; Karl Magenhoefer and Ken Brumbaugh; and Beverly Funkhouser and Jesse Funkhouser.
The delegates accepted the District Slate as presented and heard several ministry reports. The District Executive Minister Search Committee reported that the survey of desired characteristics for candidates for the position currently held by John Jantzi has been compiled and a profile is being created. The plan is to complete this process by November 15 and begin receiving applications soon. The committee expects to review applications in January. Jantzi announced his March 1 retirement plans earlier this year.
Annual Conference Moderator Deva Hensley brought greetings from the Church of the Brethren. She encouraged attendance at next year‘s Annual Conference, which will be in Greensboro, North Carolina, on July 2-6. The theme is Faith Working through Love from Galatians 5:6b and 1 Corinthians 13. She shared the Annual Conference mission statement: “Annual Conference exists to unite, strengthen, and to equip the Church of the Brethren to follow Jesus.”
Director of Finance Gary Higgs reported that offerings sent to the District Office as of October had exceeded $51,000 for disaster response in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
In his budget presentation, Higgs noted there has been a decrease in congregational giving as some churches have left the district. A line of credit loan for the drainage work at the District Office was paid off this year. The budget was approved as presented.
District Executive Minister John Jantzi noted in his report the Shenandoah District is laying the foundation for the future. He sees resilience, creativity and passion in the congregations as they adopt new ministry models. The traditional and emerging models of pastoral ministry create questions, but these are being overcome. “We don’t know what the future structure will be, but we can build with integrity,” he said. These are all opportunities for kingdom work.
After hearing from 17 individual speakers, District Conference delegates voted to return the query submitted by Bridgewater by a 94 to 64 margin.
Marty Doss was installed as the 2025 district conference moderator. A moderator-elect for 2026 has not yet been identified. More work will be done to find potential candidates, which must be affirmed at next year’s District Conference.
Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee and saw Simon, and Andrew, and James, and John fishing and he said to them “Follow me….” And “immediately” they left their nets and followed him. “Immediately.” Jesus calls us too, amid our everyday lives, at home, at work, doing what we do. He calls us, “Follow me”. Do we drop everything and go – immediately? Or do we pause to consider. “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” “First let me go and say farewell to those at home.” “Just let me hold the plow a minute longer to look back…” Jesus says, no, no stalling, no one more thing, no looking back. Now. Hesitate and the energy is lost, the moment passes, and we return to plowing the field. Join us at District Conference, set aside your nets, and cares, and stray priorities and answer Christ’s call to follow.
—District Conference Moderator Carol Scheppard
District Conference dates, times and locations
Friday, November 1: Gathering music begins at 6:45 p.m. at Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, 91 Valley Church Road, Weyers Cave, Virginia, 2448
Saturday, November 2: Doors open at 7:45 a.m. for fellowship. Gathering music begins at 8:30 a.m. atHarrisonburg First Church of the Brethren, 315 South Dogwood Drive, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 22801
Download the full schedule here.
Online registration has closed. For more information about registering for the conference, Contact Anita Landes at the District Office (540-234-8555).
District Conference documents
District Conference documents may be downloaded by clicking on the titles below:
Cover Letter for 2024 District Conference | District Conference Slate for 2025
District Conference Budget Query from Bridgewater | 2024 District Conference Schedule