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Biblical Vision

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”

-Hebrews 13:7

Description of Work

The Leadership team shall manage and administer the work of the District (page 5 of By-laws). This includes:

  • Conduit for denominational and district communication
  • Development of Pastoral leadership
  • Resourcing existing congregations and encouraging new church development
  • Resourcing congregational leadership
  • Facilitate district-wide fellowship and worship opportunities
  • Serve as trustee of all district property and of endowment and other funds


Chairman Kevin Daggett

Kevin-Daggett(Bridgewater, Va.) Pastor Kevin Daggett grew up in Bridgewater, graduated from Bridgewater College (1984), and completed his studies at Bethany Seminary (1989). He considers it a privilege to have served the Stone Church (Buena Vista), Daleville, Mill Creek (NC), Sangerville and Dayton congregations. He has served on the Ministerial Leadership Team and District Leadership Team and as moderator of the District Conference. He also was a part of the denomination’s Compelling Vision Planning Team. Daggett says, “I am eager to see us grow in our relationship with the Lord and with our sisters and brothers in Christ.”

District Executive Minister John Jantzi

John JantziJohn is married to Bonnie and has two children, Katie and Adam. John enjoys his work and relaxing with a good book at home. John also enjoys collecting baseball cards, old sports books and fishing. His favorite scripture verse is Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” NIV

Director Brethren Woods Linetta Alley

Linetta Alley

Linetta returned to Brethren Woods in 2019 as the Assistant Director. She grew up as a camper, junior counselor, summer staff member, and volunteer at camp. She also served as the Program Director from 2003-2013. In addition to her experiences here, Linetta has worked as a counselor, lifeguard, program coordinator, and administrator at ten different Church of the Brethren camps, was part of the 1998 Youth Peace Travel Team, and is the chairperson of the Outdoor Ministry Association. Linetta is a 2002 graduate of Bridgewater College and earned her MDiv degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in 2009. Since 2013, Linetta has been an ordained minister within the Church of the Brethren. Linetta has a sincere belief in the importance of outdoor ministry and senses God’s call to serve God and the church in this type of ministry setting. She enjoys traveling and outdoor recreation with her family.