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Kevin-Daggett(Bridgewater, Va.) Pastor Kevin Daggett grew up in Bridgewater, graduated from Bridgewater College (1984), and completed his studies at Bethany Seminary (1989). He considers it a privilege to have served the Stone Church (Buena Vista), Daleville, Mill Creek (NC), Sangerville and Dayton congregations. He has served on the Ministerial Leadership Team and District Leadership Team and as moderator of the District Conference. He also was a part of the denomination’s Compelling Vision Planning Team. Daggett says, “I am eager to see us grow in our relationship with the Lord and with our sisters and brothers in Christ.”

Biblical Vision

“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”

– Hebrews 13: 7

Description of Work

The Leadership team shall manage and administer the work of the district (page 5 of By-laws). This includes:

  • Serve as a conduit for denominational and district communication;
  • Development of pastoral leadership;
  • Resourcing existing congregations and encouraging new church development;
  • Resourcing congregational leadership;
  • Facilitate district-wide fellowship and worship opportunities;
  • Serve as trustee of all district property and of endowment and other funds.


Jonathan Fletcher(Woodstock, Va) Jonathan Fletcher, 53, has lived in the Shenandoah Valley for 25 years and now resides in Woodstock. He has been married to wife Crystal for 23 years and they have two sons, Jacob (19) and Justin (14). Fletcher is the pastor of Valley Pike and has actively served there for nearly 10 years. He has been in the ministry for 17 years. In addition, he serves as a volunteer Chaplain at the Shenandoah Memorial Hospital and has served as chaplain for the Shenandoah County Sheriff’s office since 2011. Fletcher is a born-again Christian and accepted Christ at the age of 12. He currently serves on the Congregational Care team for the Shenandoah District and is a graduate of the Christian Growth Institute in the Shenandoah District. His hobbies include playing golf, fishing and spending time with my family and friends. Fletcher’s favorite script is Philippians 4: 13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Biblical Vision:

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
– Galatians 6:2

Description of Work: The Congregational Care Team will have two representatives from each district section with an emphasis on building and nurturing healthy relationships within their section. They will work at duties which include:

  1. Facilitate meetings with congregational caregiving leadership in their section to listen for joys, concerns, and challenges.
  2. Sponsor a yearly training/seminar event focusing on caregiving/deacon/wholeness themes.


Dave Chappell(Stuarts Draft, Va.) Dave Chappell is a disciple of Jesus with an abiding passion to disciple others as they pursue their relationship with God and their calling to serve in God’s kingdom in whatever capacity. After receiving his MA in counseling, he worked over four years as a Child and Family Counselor in various agencies within Augusta County, Virginia. He was then called into the ministry in 2000, first as a youth pastor and then as senior pastor of White Hill Church of the Brethren in Stuarts Draft. As a part of the Shenandoah District of the Church of the Brethren, he has served on the District Board as Chair of the Church Development and Evangelism Team and currently serves as a member of the Discipleship Ministries Team. He and his wife, Tracey, live in Stuarts Draft with their six children, Taylor, Kendall, Katie, Josie, Silas and Tessa.

Biblical Vision

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:19-20

Description of Work

  1. Work with congregations to connect them with resourcing, consulting, and networking that support evangelism, discipleship, and congregational revitalization. This could include assistance in developing the following:
    a. Evangelism and outreach ministries;
    b. Resources for those seeking a deeper connection to the congregation;
    c. Youth/Adult discipling process materials;
    d. Other.
  2. Provide training in the form of district-wide workshops or events that pertain to these specific ministries.
  3. Develop and deepen discipleship opportunities for pastors working in partnership with the Ministerial Leadership Team. This could include:
    a. Specific enrichment seminars for pastors;
    b. Creation and maintenance of systems to respond effectively to pastoral needs;
    c. Other.


Phil-Stone-Jr.(Linville, Va.) Phil is a member of Sunrise Church of the Brethren, where he has served as Leadership Team chair, moderator and deacon. He grew up in Rockingham County and graduated from Bridgewater College (1987). After practicing for two years as a CPA, he obtained his law degree from Washington & Lee University School of Law. He now practices with his father and brother, advising individuals, businesses and other organizations, including the Shenandoah District. He currently serves on the District’s Ministerial Leadership Team.

Biblical Vision

“How can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”
– Romans 10:14-15, NIV

Description of Work

The District Ministry Team is responsible for credentialing potential pastoral candidates in the Shenandoah District. Their tasks include:

  1. Interviewing candidates for licensing and ordination. The interviews should uphold existing educational guidelines and examine the candidate’s beliefs in relationship to Anabaptist/Pietist understandings of faith and practice;
  2. Updating existing pastoral lists through periodic reviews;
  3. Promote educational and growth opportunities to district pastors.


Daniel House(Weyers Cave, Va.) Raised in the Manassas congregation, Daniel House served as pastor with the Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren from 2016-2022. He met his wife Rebecca as a student at Bridgewater College, and they have been pastoring in the Church of the Brethren since 2002. In 2009, they celebrated
the birth of their daughter Bethany. His passions are in the vitality of the church and seeing people grow in their faith and love of Jesus. He served as moderator in 2021, led the planning of District Continuing Education events in the Mid-Atlantic District from 2007-2011, and has mentored several individuals exploring calls to ministry. In 2017 and 2018, he served on the Shenandoah District Church Planting Team.

House loves participating in Brethren Disaster Ministries trips, and during his free time likes to flyfish in the mountains surrounding the Shenandoah Valley. In the coming years, he hopes to see the Shenandoah District renew its testimony to God’s love as expressed in Jesus Christ.

Biblical Vision

“Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?
– Acts 2:5-7

Description of Work

  1. Work with emerging churches in helping them move from Project level to Fellowship level and finally, to Congregational level;
  2. Work with the existing Church of the Brethren congregations in providing resources and leadership to assist congregations in reaching and including folks from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds;
  3. Partner with existing emerging ethnic congregations to work in collaboration regarding things of mutual encouragement and interest;
  4. Explore opportunities to partner with other denominations/groupings in the creation of new ministries.


Nancy Bowman(Fishersville, Va.) Nancy Bowman has been a member of the Church of the Brethren since birth, having been raised in the Summit congregation. She is currently a member of the Staunton congregation where she serves on the Witness Commission. She is retired after 38 years in state and local government working in human resources. Nancy has served in various capacities including service on church board, working with disaster relief, and serving on the denomination’s Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee. Nancy is married to Bruce Bowman and has two adult children and one adorable granddaughter.

Biblical Vision

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…And God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
– Genesis 1:1; 31

Description of Work

Members of this team are specifically charged with oversight and development of the ministry of Camp Brethren Woods. Their tasks include:

  1. Identifying growth and capital needs for the camp and work at raising necessary funds in conjunction with the Development Advisory team;
  2. Resourcing camp staff and providing growth opportunities for staff;
  3. Functioning as a liaison between the camp and congregations;
  4. Developing a vision for long term stability and growth.


Don Driver(Timberville, Va.) A member of Timberville Church of the Brethren, Don has served as deacon chair, administrative board chair, and moderator. He retired as agency director of the Harrisonburg Rockingham Social Services District, where he had the opportunity and pleasure of working with many local organizations developing services for local citizens. He has served previously as Services Team chair. Don enjoys spending time cattle farming and woodworking. 

Biblical Vision

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.
– Matthew 25:40, NRSV

Description of Work

  1. Partnering with the Disaster Response Auction;
  2. Assist/support in organizational updating;
  3. Assist/support in communications to district congregations;
  4. Assist/support in calling/mentoring/training new members;
  5. Partnering with Brethren Disaster Ministries;
  6. Assist/support in communications to district congregations;
  7. Assist support in mentoring/training/calling new members;
  8. Administer the Service Grant fund;
  9. Envision new areas for service, locally and/or non-locally through information gathering and sharing of ideas among district congregations.


Remona Pence(Port Republic, Va.) Ramona R. Pence was born and grew up in Port Republic, the daughter of Jack and Peggy Raines. She was baptized at Mill Creek Church of the Brethren where she met and married (51 years) Wayne Pence. Wayne was pastor at Pine Grove, Lebanon, and Mountain View, where Mona was an active member and served on district committees and the General Board and was the Television Awareness leader for the district and denomination. She served as principal at Elkton Middle and Ottobine Elementary for 18 years. She is happy in retirement to be with her children and six grandchildren.

Biblical Vision

“…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…”
– Ephesians 4:12, NRSV

Description of Work

  1. Assist congregations to identify individuals who have the passion and gifting for nurturing the spiritual development of the congregation, and providing training events and mentoring for those mandated with the task of fostering spiritual growth in congregations;
  2. Assist congregations in developing a culture of discernment and call;
  3. Assist congregations in developing the practice of spiritual disciplines, e.g., prayer life;
  4. Assist congregations in shaping processes for calling and training leaders and provide training events, e.g., retreats for congregational leadership.


District Executive Minister John Jantzi

John Jantzi

(Harrisonburg) John is married to Bonnie and has two children, Katie and Adam. John enjoys his work and relaxing with a good book at home. John also enjoys collecting baseball cards, old sports books and fishing. His favorite scripture verse is Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” NIV

Director Brethren Woods Linetta Alley

Linetta Ballew(Keezleton, Va.) Linetta returned to Brethren Woods in 2019 as the Assistant Director. She grew up as a camper, junior counselor, summer staff member, and volunteer at camp. She also served as the program director from 2003-2013. In addition to her experiences here, Linetta has worked as a counselor, lifeguard, program coordinator, and administrator at ten different Church of the Brethren camps, was part of the 1998 Youth Peace Travel Team, and is the chairperson of the Outdoor Ministry Association. Linetta is a 2002 graduate of Bridgewater College and earned her MDiv degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in 2009. Since 2013, Linetta has been an ordained minister within the Church of the Brethren. Linetta has a sincere belief in the importance of outdoor ministry and senses God’s call to serve God and the church in this type of ministry setting. She enjoys traveling and outdoor recreation with her family.

Standing Committee Member Jan Orndorff

Jan Orndorff(Woodstock, Va.) Jan is the pastor of the Sunrise Church of the Brethren in Harrisonburg. She has served the District as moderator, Discipleship Ministries Team Chair, Ministerial Leadership Team Chair, Springs of Living Water Chair, and Witness Commission Chair under the old organization. In addition, she has been an Annual Conference table facilitator and has had several pieces published in “Messenger.” Jan’s deepest desire is to serve God by helping others to know Jesus Christ and grow in discipleship.

Standing Committee Member Karl Magenhofer


(Timberville, Va.) Karl is a graduate of the Christian Growth Institute and was appointed to serve as Timberville Church of the Brethren’s Pastor in August of 2022. Prior to that, he served as the Ministry Intern for the Montezuma congregation and as pulpit supply throughout the Shenandoah District. He was ordained in October of 2023 at Timberville. The ministry is a second career for Karl, who spent more than 20 years in radio mostly at WSVA in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He also spent a year at WNAV in Annapolis, Maryland, where in addition to news he broadcast minor league baseball. He continues to do some work on the side predominantly with Bridgewater College where he broadcasts home football and basketball games.

Karl has also served in various roles with non-profit, civic, and governmental entities, most notably on the board of the Sadie Rose Foundation and as former Chairman of the Timberville Planning Commission.

Karl has been happily married for 15 years to his wife, Angie. They have three children: Brooklyn, Cardie and Adrian.

Standing Committee Member Jerry Ruff

Jerry Ruff(Bridgewater, Va.) Jerry Ruff served in Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) in Puerto Rico, then returned to the area to eventually become a pastor and interim pastor in many congregations throughout the Shenandoah District. He has also served with the District’s Disaster Ministries, going on project trips, overseeing the Kit Depot and serving as the coordinator of the local response to national and area rebuilding and accessibility projects. Jerry is married to Bernice and allegedly retired, but he is always in the middle of something when he is called upon for assistance. helping others to know Jesus Christ and grow in discipleship.


Gary Higgs(Harrisonburg, Va.) Gary joined the district staff in November 2015 as director of finance. He attends Melrose Church of the Brethren where he has served in various roles, including moderator. He has also served on the District Leadership Team. Gary is retired, having most recently worked at Wetsel Inc. for 30 years in accounting and finance. He resides in Harrisonburg with his wife Mary.



(Harrisonburg, Va.) Pastor of Harrisonburg First, Marty is married to Cheryl,
and they have a daughter, Jill. He has served the District as chair of the
Outdoor Ministries Team and on the Program and Arrangements Committee
for the District, and he was a member of the Spiritual Renewal Team.
Marty has served as a dean at Brethren Woods, volunteered with Outdoor
School and served as a cabin counselor and camp coordinator at Camp Bethel
in the Virlina District, where he also served as a leader on the Pilgrimage Team
(a weekend retreat for spiritual renewal).


(To Be Determined.)